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Homework Policy

  • There will typically not be any "formal" homework. There will be websites available on Google Classroom as well as what's listed below for practice. 

  • Students should be reading "for fun" for at least 20 minutes each night. Reading aloud helps fluency and accuracy. Practice retelling the story together or writing about what they read. 

  • I urge my students to work on their math facts. Flashcards are a great way to do this. This includes Adding/Subtracting Multiplying/Dividing (when they're ready). 

  • I want to encourage good work habits. Homework isn't graded however, work habits are. Being a responsible learner is a top priority in my class. Failing to complete class work on a consistent basis will result in a low work habits grade.




If your child has trouble reading at home...

  • Don't push them. I want them to ENJOY reading!

  • Allow them to choose something that's interesting to them. It can be a newspaper article, the weather report, or a comic!

  • Talk about it when they're done reading. Interact with the text and make it a meaningful moment together, not a "chore."

  • Start out slow. Read for 5 minutes. Stay there until you feel your child is ready to add more time. You can help build their reading stamina at home. Remember, they work hard all day. Virtual learning is also a very new way for them to learn. We want to meet their needs academically but also emotionally. 



Homework Resources

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